Types of Securities to Avoid in Investment Clubs |
4/27/2022 |
Some securities, like stocks, are great to hold in an investment club portfolio. Other types of securities, not so much....

In their April 19, 2022 Investment Club webinar, Doug Gerlach and his team delivered a presentation on "Types of Securities to Avoid in Investment Clubs." Doug explained why some securities make accounting and tax preparation more difficult for investment club treasurers, and why some other securities offer challenges for portfolio management or member's personal asset allocation strategies.
Changing tax regulations as they affect investing partnerships are a consideration that no investment club should ignore. Watch the replay of this webinar to educate yourself and your members on the key considerations you should review before deciding on any new investment in your club portfolio.
myICLUB.com is the world's most popular tool for investment club accounting and operations. Sign up for a free trial to see for yourself why thousands of investment clubs choose myICLUB.com to manage their club's books and operations.
For more on ICLUBcentral's tools for investment club accounting, operations, and tax preparation, please visit https://www.myICLUB.com.