Transaction Summary
Transaction Summary Report
The Transactions Summary lists all the security and cash transactions that occurred between the specified dates. Use this report to check security and cash transactions against your other records such as bank and broker statements. In this way, you can be sure that you have entered all the required transactions correctly. Members can use this report to review club activities since the last meeting or for any other period.
Transaction Summary Report Options
You can specify a starting and an end date, or you can view all transactions.
Transaction Summary Report Description
The report has five separate sections
Buy, Sell & Transfer Transactions section
- Date – date of the transaction
- Security – same of the security
- Type – type of transaction: Buy, Sell, or Transfer. If you click on the Type, you can view complete details of the transaction and edit as necessary.
- Shares – Number of shares involved in the transaction.
- Cost – total cost of the shares including commissions.
- Price – original price (excluding commissions and fees) of all the shares bought, sold, or transferred.
- Comm/Fees – the total amount of expenses associated with the transaction.
- STCG – the short-term capital gain on the transaction.
- LTCG – the long-term capital gain on the transaction.
- 5YCG – Five-year capital gain distributed (only applies up to 2003, when 5-year gains were eliminated).
Cash and Reinvested Distributions section
- Date – the date of the transaction
- Security Name – the name of the security involved in the transaction.
- Type – the type of distribution: Cash or Reinvested. Click on Type to view or edit the transaction.
- Shares – the number of shares received
- Dividends – the value of the shares received, or cash amount received. This amount includes commissions and Expenses of reinvested distributions after 1/1/01.
- Interest – the value of the shares received, or cash amount received
- STCG – short-term capital gain received as a distribution or as the result of a sale.
- LTCG – long-term capital gain received as a distribution or as the result of a sale.
- 5YCG – Five-year capital gain distributed (only applies up to 2003, when 5-year gains were eliminated).
Splits, Spinoffs and Mergers section
- Date – the date of the transaction
- Security Name – the name of the security involved in the transaction
- Type – the type of transaction. Click on Type to view or edit the transaction.
- Shares – the number of shares involved in the transaction
- Cash received – the fractional share payment involved in the transaction, if any
- LTCG – the long-term capital gain portion of the fractional share
- STCG – short-term capital gain portion of the fractional share
- 5YCG – Five-year capital gain distributed (only applies up to 2003, when 5-year gains were eliminated).
Member Deposits and Withdrawals section
- Date – the date of the deposit or withdrawal
- Type – the type of transaction. Click on Type to view or edit the transaction.
- Cash amount– the amount of cash involved in the transaction
- Units – the number of units associated with the deposit or withdrawal.
- W/D Fee – the fee associated with the withdrawal
- Stock Value – the value of any stock associated with the deposit or withdrawal
Cash Income and Expenses section
- Date – the date the transaction
- Type – the type of transaction. Click on Type to view or edit the transaction.
- Account – the cash account involved in the transaction.
- Income – the amount added to the cash account as miscellaneous income
- Expense – The amount removed from the cash account as a miscellaneous expense, as well as any text typed in to the comments field, when entering the transaction.
- Interest – interest received on the cash account.
- Dividends – dividends received on the cash account