Calendar - Edit/Delete events
This page defaults to showing any existing events in the current month, and allows you to edit or delete the details of those events.
The drop-down month and year menus default to showing the current month and year; select a new month or year, and the page will automatically update to show events for that date.
Click the Pencil button, to be taken to the Edit page for a particular event.
If you have set up a recurring event such as a club meeting, clicking the pencil will show an extra window, asking if you want to edit just the individual event, or the entire series. The primary difference you will see in this case is that choosing to edit the Entire Series will automatically reveal the details of how often the event repeats.
Clicking the Trashcan button will show a separate window, asking if you want to delete the event. Similar to editing a recurring event, clicking the Trashcan icon will show an option to delete either the single event or the whole series, if you have set the event to repeat.
In the left-hand navigation area, you will see options for View, Edit, Add, Agenda, and Export Calendar. In brief, these sections allow the following actions:
- View - This allows you to return to the main Calendar View from any other section of the Calendar page.
- Edit - This allows you to edit any Calendar Event that you have entered.
- Add - This allows you to add new events to your calendar.
- Agenda - This allows you to view calendar events in an ordered list.
- Export Calendar - This allows you to export a copy of your club calendar as a file that other calendar programs can read.
For more in-depth information about each of these options, please click of any underlined sections, listed above.