How do I set or change the rights / permissions of club members?
As the Administrator of your own club (, you can give other members the right to edit certain club information, and make other changes to the club records. By default, the Administrator will be whoever first set up the club.
Regular club members can view reports, but not edit any club data except their own contact information.
Members who have created Login names (online members) can always edit their own profile. Only the a member with "Edit member profiles and permissions" can change permissions.
To grant more access or take away privileges, here's what to do:
1. Go the PEOPLE section.
2. Next to the member's name click EDIT PROFILE.
3. Scroll to the bottom & check or un-check the boxes next to each individual right that you want to remove.
4. Click Save Changes, to save any changes.
For information about what the various permissoins do, please see our FAQ on member profiles: