Editing or removing transactions
Before continuing, please note that Distributed Earnings, Beginning Balance and Member Withdrawal transactions cannot be edited; they must be removed and then re-entered.
1. Click the ACCOUNTING Tab near the top of the page.
2. From the accounting page, click the heading on the left hand side of the page for the type of transaction you're looking for (SECURITIES, MEMBERS, or CASH ACCOUNTS) to get to the portfolio or summary page.
3. On the portfolio or summary page, click the VIEW/EDIT TRANSACTIONS link on the left hand side of the page.
4. By default, the system will show the last twelve months of transactions. If you need to see a different range of dates, change the FROM date in the Show Transactions box, and click the SUBMIT button.
5. When you have the correct date range, click on the one or two word description of the transaction (Buy Security, Deposit Cash, Expense, for example) to be taken to the transaction description.
6. On the transaction description page, click DELETE, and then CONFIRM DELETE to remove a transaction, or Click EDIT, and then make changes if you only need to adjust a transaction.
Some transactions, such as member withdrawals and year end allocations can only be removed, not edited. If you need to re-do one of these transactions, we strongly suggest making a backup in the BACKUP MANAGER under UTILITIES before doing so.