Setting up a message board so that it can send and receive emails
Setting up a message board so that it can send and receive emails
To get started, click the Discussions tab, near the top of the page
If you want to set up an existing message board so that it can send and receive emails, click the Name of the Message Board you want to work with, such as Private Messages, or Mailing List.
On the following page, click the Message Board Setup link, near the right-hand side of the page
(If you want to start a whole new Message Board, click the New Message Board link, on the left-hand side of the page)
Regardless of whether you are working with an existing message board, or a brand new one, the next page will look similar:
On this page, you will see a few sections:
Message Board Name - This is the name of the Message board as it will show up on your web site.
E-Mail Alias - This is the email address that you can send emails to, so that they will be posted on the message board. By default, this is blank, so you'll want to set something up, if you want to be able to have messages emailed to this message board. Keep in mind that anything you put in here will automatically end with, so you won't need to include the @ sign as part of what you type in. Also keep in mind that members will have to type this email in, when they want to send something to the message board, so we advise to keep the entry short, and use only text or numbers for your entry.
Archive This Message Board - Select this if you do not want members posting to the message board any longer, but do not want to lose any of the already posted messages.
Hide Message Board History - Select this if you do not want members to be able to access messages that were posted before they were added to the site. This can be useful if the club discussed a potential member, on one of the message boards, and they do not want the new member to see the discussion(s) that took place.
Send E-mail To - This section lists all of the members in the club who have set up a login and password, and so are confirmed by the site, to be part of the club. The site uses this to make sure that only club members receive emails from the message board, and also to make sure that only club members can send email to the message board. If a member does not have a login and password, or the email address on the People page is not the one they are currently using, they will not receive emails, nor be able to post to the message board using email until the email address on the People page has been updated.
Visitor Access - If you have set up a user as a visitor, but don't want them to see the discussion on a particular message board, you can change what they see or don't see, from here.